Our Lady of the Sign
This image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a famous Icon in Russia and in the Orthodox Church. The Blessed Mother is shown standing straight on to the viewer, with her hands raised and as a circled image of the Christ Child between her arms. It depicts the Annunciation moment “May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)
Our Lady of the Sign or Virgin of the Sign is a direct reference to Isaiah’s prophecy (Isaiah 7:14) “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”
This is a common image in Orthodox churches, either above the Alter or in the sanctuary.
There are several feast days associated with this image, but the most common is November 27th.
In northwestern Russia in the city of Novgorod the Icon has been venerated since the 12th century. In 1170 Novgorod was besieged by 4 Russian kingdoms and the image miraculously saved the city. This occurred in 1170. The story below is taken from http://lib.pushkinskijdom.ru/Default.aspx?tabid=4993
… Novgorodians had heard about the great forces stepping against them, and were sad being in great sorrow and mourning, and, complained bitterly, were praying to the merciful Father, and the holy Virgin, Our Lady. And they made up a burg around the whole of Novgorod, and hid themselves behind the walls. And Suzdalians had come with the princes of all Russia toward Novgorod, and had been staying near the city for 3 days.
At the second night of the siege, when saint Ivan the archbishop was standing against the holy image of Jesus and praying for the city to be saved, and was terrified, and heard a voice which called unto him: “Go ye to the Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyina Street, and take the icon of Our Lady, and bring it forth onto the wall of burg, and shew it to the adversaries”. And saint Ivan the archbishop had hearkened that, and was sleepless all the night long, praying to Our Lady, the Mother of God.
And they brought the icon onto the walls of the burg, where the monastery in honour of Our Lady on the Tithe arises nowadays. And all the Novgorodians were hiding themselves behind the walls meekly, fearing to make a stand against the enemies; everyone was just mourning about their fate, anticipating the doom, as the Suzdalians had already divided the streets of Novgorod between themselves [which one belongs to what duchy].
Behold, when it was the sixth hour of the struggle, all the Russian regiments started the attack. And arrows fell down on the city like a shower. Then the icon by the providence of God had turned itself toward the city, and the archbishop saw the tears on the icon, and he put the icon under his phelonion. O, great awe-inspiring miracle! How may it be from a dry wood? These are not tears, but She showed a token of Her grace: that’s the way how Our Lady was praying to Her Son and our God for our city not to be forsaken for the adversaries to outrage it.
Then the Lord became gracious toward the city due to the praying of Our Lady. And his anger was kindled against all the Russian regiments, and the night came down as it was when Moses had been leading the Israelis through the Red Sea, and drowned the pharaoh. So, the fear and trembling had captured them, and they all were blind, and fought amongst themselves. Seeing it, Novgorodians went to the battlefield, and killed many, and turned others into prisoners of war.
That’s how honor and glory of Suzdal gone, and Novgorod was delivered out from the evil case by praying of Our Lady. And Ivan the archbishop had established a merry holiday, and all the Novgorod started to celebrate it – all the Novgorodians: men, women, children, – the holiday of Honorable Sign of Our Lady.
Hail, Our Lord.
Prayers to Our Lady of the Sign
O gentle protectress of Christians
Virgin of the Sign
You are our unfailing Mediatrix before our Creator,
Do not despise these prays
We are sinners but in your goodness
Intercede for us.
Hasten to assist us who trustfully cry to you for help.
Inspire us to pray, and hear our supplications.
Intercede for us always Dear Lady of the Sign,
In Christ’s name.
Dear Our Lady of the Sign,
Your miraculous image saved the people of Novgorod centuries ago,
We plead for your intercession in our great need,
(Mention your intentions)
We implore your assistance with trust and confidence.
Ask your Dear Son to grant these petitions.
We place ourselves under your guidance and protection.
For Help with College Finances
“Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Emmanuel (meaning, God with us.)” Is 7:14
O Holy Virgin Mother and Queen, you knew the demands of being a parent, guide us as we send our child to college. Give us the knowledge and counsel to be able to afford this expensive venture. Guide and instruct our child to wisely select a school that will benefit (his/her) salvation. Intercede for us, ask your Son who was both Divine and Human to give us the graces and blessings that we need to make this difficult decision. Our Lady of the Sign we place our (son/daughter) in your hands.
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_the_Sign