Thanksgiving Prayers

Thanksgiving Prayers


Thanksgiving To God

O God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of Whose goodness the treasure is infinite; we render thanks to Your most gracious majesty for the gifts You have bestowed upon us, evermore beseeching Your clemency, that as You grant the petitions of those that ask You, You will never forsake them, but will prepare them for the reward to come. Through Christ our Lord.

Father In Heaven

Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks. Thank you for all the graces and blessings You have bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage. Our food and shelter, our health, the loves we have for one another, our family and friends. Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity, please grant us continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year. This we ask in the Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Brother.

Thank you

Dear Loving and Compassionate God, Giver of all gifts, we pray especially today for the mercy and love You give us. Open our hearts and minds to You. Give us the grace to accept your mercy. As we live each day, we pray for those less fortunate, especially those who are hurting, and whose wounds need to be healed. Help us become involved in ways that show them how deeply we care. Give us the personal courage to listen to their concerns and help them find the solutions to which they are entitled as Your children and our brothers and sisters.

Thank you, Dear Loving and Compassionate God, for all your blessings.

For the Blessed Mother

O God, we thank you for giving us such a wonderful Mother. A Mother to understand us. A Mother to be with us. A Mother to take all our tears, all our problems, all our sins, all our sufferings to Jesus. Mother Mary, pray for us at all times. And together with you, Mother, we want to go to Jesus.

For Family and Friends

Blessed are You, loving Father, For all your gifts to us. Blessed are You for giving us family and friends To be with us in times of joy and sorrow, To help us in days of need, And to rejoice with us in moments of celebration. Father, We praise You for Your Son Jesus, Who knew the happiness of family and friends, And in the love of Your Holy Spirit. Blessed are you for ever and ever.

Thank you Lord Jesus

Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits and blessings which you have given me, for all the pains and insults which you have borne for me. Merciful Friend, Brother and Redeemer, may I know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day.

God Our Great Hope

O Lord our God, Your grace has achieved for us all that You had spoken and promised. Grant us access to the place of Your peace. For You are our Creator, You are our Consoler, You are our life Remedy, You are our Standard of Victory. Blessed are we, O Lord, because we have known You! Blessed are we, because we have believed in You! Blessed are we, because we bear Your wounds and the sign of Your Blood on our countenances! Blessed are we, because You are our great hope! Blessed are we, because You are our God forever!

Thank You, My Lord

Dear Our Lord and Savior, thank you
Thank you for Your suffering and Dying for my salvation
Thank you for giving us Your Dear Mother
Thank you for giving us life and breath
Thank you for the sacraments, most especially Holy Communion and Reconciliation
Thank you for the beautiful creations that surround us
Thank you for family and friends
Thank you for the trials you send us to purify us
Thank you for your never-ending love
Thank you my Lord and Savior. Amen.